The title would have appeared to be a bit weird at first, but once you get the essence of what I intend to tell I am sure you would agree with me.
Right from the time a child is born, he or she (whatever may be the case) is told about the difference between the good and the bad. To start with he may be told in an indirect way, like don’t do this or don’t say that, because that is not good or because that is bad, not expected from u. This subtle way of preaching then gradually changes to a sort of code of conduct which the child is expected to keep in mind and follow. So from an early age the perception of the good and the bad starts taking a firm shape in his mind. So we hear honesty is the best policy, truth is sacrosanct and lie is despicable (not exactly these phrase but meaning is more or less the same).The child generally accepts whatever is taught to him. His mind can be moulded in any fashion the parents like. But have we adults ever wondered that whatever is being taught to the child ,is it really being practiced in this world??
Is honesty really the best policy in today’s' scenario??
Throughout our life we keep preaching things which we, ourselves do not practice. we boast of being the master of the subject of which we are not even fit enough to be the students. We need not go to far places to see the effect. In our family, in our society, in our classrooms, in our offices, in our nation, everywhere we can see it. We hear our politicians, even the prime minister preaching to us to work hard to take India to the place which she so rightfully deserves; but if one were to compare the actions of politicians, and the prime minister also with their preaching one will see that there is a sea of difference between the two.
We say what we don’t do, and we do what we do not or cannot dare to accept.
Right from the time a child is born, he or she (whatever may be the case) is told about the difference between the good and the bad. To start with he may be told in an indirect way, like don’t do this or don’t say that, because that is not good or because that is bad, not expected from u. This subtle way of preaching then gradually changes to a sort of code of conduct which the child is expected to keep in mind and follow. So from an early age the perception of the good and the bad starts taking a firm shape in his mind. So we hear honesty is the best policy, truth is sacrosanct and lie is despicable (not exactly these phrase but meaning is more or less the same).The child generally accepts whatever is taught to him. His mind can be moulded in any fashion the parents like. But have we adults ever wondered that whatever is being taught to the child ,is it really being practiced in this world??
Is honesty really the best policy in today’s' scenario??
Throughout our life we keep preaching things which we, ourselves do not practice. we boast of being the master of the subject of which we are not even fit enough to be the students. We need not go to far places to see the effect. In our family, in our society, in our classrooms, in our offices, in our nation, everywhere we can see it. We hear our politicians, even the prime minister preaching to us to work hard to take India to the place which she so rightfully deserves; but if one were to compare the actions of politicians, and the prime minister also with their preaching one will see that there is a sea of difference between the two.
We say what we don’t do, and we do what we do not or cannot dare to accept.
Every parent attempts to teach and preach about so many things such as good and bad thing, good habits, good character and moral etc. to their children right from the very early age. It is the duty which most of the parents impart good SANSKAR to their children in order to mould them in a better individual / citizen. It is true that a child inculcate most of the things from their parents, brother, sister and the atmosphere of their home where they are brought up. I agree that few things must be left so that child could learn himself while encountering the problem.
ReplyDeleteA younger child finds himself in a very confused state after seeing the society and world in somewhat different form where moral values and honesty are scarce items, malpractices and corruption are prevalent, all types of `ism’ such as nepotism, favouritism, casteism, regionalism are predominant. He thinks all the character building things taught to him are useless in this world to achieve success. But things are not like that. One has to analyze and choose the way which do you consider would give you happiness and peace. The values of those teachings, honesty and moral, character are still there and would remain always. The success achieved and money earned by illegal means can not give you peace and happiness.
Do not quote the examples of politicians of present age. Truly, they are not our leader and you can not follow them.
Do you think American, French, Chinese …… parents do not teach good habits to their children ? Yes, they also teach but their ways may be different. In those countries, corruption and malpractices are also prevalent . Are they hypocrite ? Maladies are every where in the world in different ratio. It does not mean that one should not learn good habits and give up all the good qualities.
The question is not about learning good qualities or not, its about what is being taugh and what is being followed. We ought to relook at what we do rather than ponder about things taugh to a child. The issue I have dwelt upon is not restricted to a particular country or community but is rather an universal one.The moral values being imparted to children is very different from the "un-moral( not immoral)" values being practised.This is what is the core issue.
ReplyDeleteHypocrisy is a very apt word coined by the people and for the people. Recognizing the meaning from the dictionary hypocrisy refers to the mismatch of words and action of an individual. If we apply this to us we are no different. Let it be politicians, media people, business moguls, teachers, professors, doctors or parents all of them or rather almost all of them are a part of the club. However this is not the most terrifying part for me. What frightens me the most is the fact that even though we know the truth we get better and better at lying. I will leave out all the aspects of the society but one which has been bothering me constantly for some time now. All of agree that the Indian administrative systems are corrupt to the core. The performance of the government servants would be rated as below average in most of our books. Just think whether you have ever seen a government servant at any level who you felt was evading his duties. I am sure you have seen many. Now comes the part which I dread. Ask any government servant whether he is an underperformer or not. Worse still ask his children. My daddy a hero is the philosophy every child romanticizes but in doing so have they turned their head away from the truth. I have met many people whose parents work in public sector undertakings, belong to the administrative or engineering services and when I touch this topic I have inevitable and invariable reply, “My dad works so hard and is yet not promoted. All his colleagues are so lazy and ignorant about their work.” Now what I have been sleeping over is that if every father is devoted to his job and they are so motivated towards their organization why in the world do the statistics show otherwise? People take bribe as if it’s their share, there are unreasonable delays in projects and the list goes on. However there is no single “father” who has skipped his duties. When everyone is perfect and hard working where are the results? Are we teaching our children the right values or is moral science a subject for grade only? If everyone is so perfect why is the world not a safe place to be in? I think everyone of us knows the answer in our hearts but in order to increase our gains and profit we are constantly suppressing out inner voice. My biggest fear tells me that one day the voice shall fade to a point from where it will never be able to resurrect. I don’t think there is any conclusion to this topic but considering the present scenario” Insurance is a far better policy than honesty.”