UID or unique identity number for each Indian is one of the very few logical proposals to have been proposed by an Indian Government in the recent past. This is a project about assigning an unique number, to every Indian. Whether it will be a supplement or complement to the existing PAN, Voter ID, Ration Card etc., one is not very sure but the idea is definitely a step in the right direction.
There is a urgent need to instill the feeling of “Indian-ness” in the presently rampant “Indian-less” mindset of the Indians. One hears of a “ Marathi- Maanus”, a “Bengali Babu Moshay”, a Bihari , a Tamilian, or a Punjabi, but hardly does one get to hear about an Indian. We tend to identify ourselves more with the state/ region/ religion to which we belong rather than the nation which is our identity. It is the need of hour to identify this identity and associate ourselves with this identity.
Today we live in a time where it is difficult to distinguish between a illegal Bangladeshis infiltrator/migrant and a Bengali Hindu/Muslim or a Assomese. These illegal immigrants are not only restricted to these two states but have slowly found their way into Bihar, Jharkhand, Delhi and even the western state of Rajasthan. This has also been the cause of many troubles in Assom in the recent past.
Another angle to be considered is the spread of terrorism. Gone are the days when one used to hear about terrorist activities mainly in Kashmir valley. Today one is not sure about his/her life in Mumbai, Bangalore, Jaipur, Kolkata or Delhi for that matter. Getting access to India is very easy for the unwanted/ nuisance lot and it has been a challenge for the authorities to nab them and then prosecute them. Often due to lack of evidence or turning hostile by the witnesses the suspects are let off.
Unique ID is going to be very handy tool to deal with all these and much more. All the information about an individual will be recorded in a database, access to which will be through the UID. It is expected that in future it can be used in lieu of PAN, Voter ID card, and Passport. Only thing which now remains to be seen is how it is implemented. Only time will tell whether this proposal will get itself added to the list of several pending proposals in the files somewhere in Delhi, or will find itself as one of the glorious achievements of the Indian Democracy.
UID scheme to be launched shortly appears to be attractive but it would be futile if millions of illegal migrant, infiltrator spread in all parts of our country are not deported to their respective countries after their identification. This illegal migrants will be posing severe problem for the our security, livlihood etc. in near future.
ReplyDeleteOne significant purpose is curbing of widespread corruption in social welfare schemes like NREGA, Antyodaya,Indira Housing Scheme etc. Unless and until this aim is not realised this scheme would be nothing but a farce.Issue of illegal immigrants can only be curbed by strong political will since illegal immigrants are considered as a consolidated votebank.
ReplyDeleteThe challenges in implementing this scheme in a diverse and populous country like India is a huge challenge. That's y it is worth going for it!!!
challenges are no doubt going to be many,now it remains to be seen with attitude does the government go ahead with implementing UID. Aim should be to implement it in totality without hoping for further revision and modifications down the line. Another important thing which needs to be noted is the fact that the people who would actually do the clerical jobs of creating and maintaining the database would be the same one who are used to erring while dealing with other exercise of similar nature like creation of voter id card, ration card etc.