Its very rare that you get a chance to witness a 'mathematical' event, or rather an event to which you can attach a mathematical connotation...
The Grand Old Party (GOP) of India has decided that enough is enough.
Now why do the citizens of India need to switch on the family dramas for the entertainment, when our own GOP has the expertise, the zeal, and the actors to provide it !
An example of the 180⁰ turn:
Day 1: The GOP sends four of its ministers to welcome/accompany/admonish a well known citizen of India.
Day 2: One of the "senior" member of the GOP (who has decided to challenge the likes of Rakhi Sawants) raises question on the integrity of the same well known citizen of India.
Day 3: The GOP sends some more ministers to talk with the citizen.
Day 4: Amidst all the excitement which this "episode" has acquired by now, the GOP tries to score a symbolic victory by having one of the original four ministers address the Media
Day 4.something : The GOP suddenly decides that enough is enough. Lets beat and throw the well known citizen and his supporters from Lutyens' Dilli.
So you have the GOP moving from one extreme to the other within 100 hours.
A complete 180⁰ turn indeed !!
A person whom you went to receive at the airport is now being labelled as "thug" by the same "senior" member of the GOP???
So it means either the citizen turned thug within those 100 hours , or that your ministers went to welcome a thug???
There could also be another possibility that its the turn of the "senior" member of your GOP to enjoy the glamour and attention of the Media, so why not do or say something "exciting'??
The words and deeds of this "senior" member has been in Media ever since, and it appears as if he is taking it as compliments. Otherwise how can you explain a series of hilarious and baffling comments every single day since then?
The Indian people love drama and the GOP is doing it best to see that they are entertained !!
Now, coming to another "non-prime" minister of the government headed by the GOP.
Everything he has done (or not done) this month has convinced even some of his deepest admirers about his hold (or the lack of it) of his GOP & his government.
Neither the ministers of alliance partners listen to him (Some Raja might vouch for this!), nor do the members of his own GOP !!
By the way, I am fully in sync with what he said more than 24 hours after the "leela" at the "Ramlila" :
"We had no other option".
Yes Sir.
You had no other option.
You have never had any option.
After-all, we can try to understand what it is to head a team when someone else is running the show and apparently you are to take the blame and pass on the credit to the "boss".
You did not have any option when Raja was going haywire.
You did have option when Kalmadi was playing with the Common Wealth Games and literally turning it into a common-wealth !
You did not have any option when one of your alliance (whom you have now attacked since losing in the state elections) was making a mockery of rules (Kanimozhi).
Similarly you did not have any option now.
We also understand that the best time to evict a crowd is at midnight, close to 1-2 AM.
We also understand that it can take officials more than 24 hours to realize that a place is not being used for what it was "meant" to be.
We also understand that the best way to evict a crowd is to attack them with tear gas.
We also understand that in your opinion, you either are with the GOP, or you are an "agent" of the RSS/BJP.
We also understand that it can take your ministers months to realize that they "do not know" Anna Hazare (Vayalar Ravi need forgets people easily).
Sir, we understand that you did not have any other option !!
PS : Expect the GOP to add new twists or flavours to the drama in the coming days.
Anyone betting on a 360⁰ turn now??

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