Thursday, January 26, 2012

Patience in short supply

I don't have any empirical evidence, i.e. factual proof to back the claim I am going to make; but I still consider it worthwhile to make it nonetheless. Here is my hypothesis, i.e. the claim:

Patience is in shorty supply today. In other words, people today seem to be more impatient than they were in the past.

Well, you may be thinking what prompted me to form a hypothesis like this. Let me give some examples to illustrate my hypothesis.

Example 1: Person X has just finished his college and has got into his first job with salary expectations Rs Y. He expects his salary to increase like a geometric progression and he is not going to wait for it. If it does not happen as per his wish, he starts getting impatient. This impatience can then manifest in the shape of his frustration, or can see him losing temper frequently, or can even see him leave his job.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Bored of Cricket Control in India (BCCI)

Question of the week: What does the term BCCI mean?

a) Bahrain Chamber of Commerce & Industry?
b) Botswana Cement & Clinkers Industry?
c) Board of Control for Cricket in India? or
d) Bored of Cricket Control in India?

Clue: It is the body which said in a court some time back that the Indian cricket team represent BCCI and not India !
Another clue: It is the same body which does not know itself why actually it is opposed to DRS (Decision Review System) !

Well, the answer can be found at the bottom of the post, but let's start with what one Mr N Srinivasan had to say.
Question to Mr. N Srinivasan: What is your reaction after Indian cricket team's defeat in Australia?

Mr N Srinivasan: Nothing unusual. Nothing to worry about. They were playing in home condition, so they were expected to win. When they come to India, we will beat them and then we will be happy. IPL will start in April and then we will forget it.