Thursday, January 26, 2012

Patience in short supply

I don't have any empirical evidence, i.e. factual proof to back the claim I am going to make; but I still consider it worthwhile to make it nonetheless. Here is my hypothesis, i.e. the claim:

Patience is in shorty supply today. In other words, people today seem to be more impatient than they were in the past.

Well, you may be thinking what prompted me to form a hypothesis like this. Let me give some examples to illustrate my hypothesis.

Example 1: Person X has just finished his college and has got into his first job with salary expectations Rs Y. He expects his salary to increase like a geometric progression and he is not going to wait for it. If it does not happen as per his wish, he starts getting impatient. This impatience can then manifest in the shape of his frustration, or can see him losing temper frequently, or can even see him leave his job.

Example 2: Student X is a student appearing for exams. He wants to crack the exam in the first attempt and anything less than that disappoints him very much. He then either loses hope or quits trying. He is not going to wait for the desired results/success.

Example 3: Person X is a cricket (sports) fan. He expects his team/player to succeed on every occasion. If his team/player succeeds once or twice, he will eulogize his team/player. If they lose once or twice, he will burn their effigy. He is not going to give them time, or analyze them over medium-to-long term.

The above examples are just illustrative in nature, and not exhaustive. We can think of many such examples from our lives/experiences.
You or I could point out some merits in the stance of person X, but it should not stop us from seeing the apparent lack of patience in them.

No one seems to wait these days for anything. Be it success, results, love,or trust: no one seems to wait for these.
Everyone wants everything, and they want it RIGHT NOW.

I want to be CEO in 5 years, if not today.
That player is a dud. It is his 3rd game, and he has still not clicked.
I want to own a mansion before I turn 30.
I have not updated/checker my twitter/facebook account for long (which could range from few minutes to few hours). I am getting impatient.

I don't know if it has anything to do with the type of lifestyles we are leading today: full of technology and siblings. It is said that technology moves at a rapid pace. May be we can extend that argument to say that our technology-affected-thoughts also move at a rapid pace, and there is no space/time for patience.

May be I am entirely wrong in my explanation.
But may be the above explanation is partly true.

My intention is not to be judgmental, or search for the reasons for the apparent lack of patience, the shorty supply of patience.
It would be much better if we can sit back and think about it for a moment. May be something happens !

Just to put an end to this post, I share one quote which I read sometime back:

Prayer of a modern American:
O God, I want patience. And I want it RIGHT NOW.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting!! may be another prospective area (first being female leadership) :)
