Saturday, October 15, 2011

I Love Me

I am the Chief Minister of an Indian state.
The largest Indian state.
I have to 'make it large'.

I am the King of my state.
Oh, sorry !
Did I just say King?
Actually I am the Queen of my state.
Queen of the largest state in India.

I don't care if somebody loves me or not.
I love it
I love myself.
I love me.

Some believe I am the representative of Dalits.
Some others believe that I represent not a community, but an entire state.
There are some others who see me as a woman representing women of my state.

But I don't buy all that trash.
Loads of trash.

I don't represent anyone else but me.
I represent myself.
I don't give it a damn about anything else.

This whole country (and to a large extent this whole world) is a sort of Jungle with all sorts of animals roaming around.
But I am not content with being called a Lioness or a Lion.
Not content with being labelled as the Tiger or the Tigress.
Those are all too 'small' for me.
Additionally, they are who they appear to be.

I am the Elephant.
Or to be more accurate, I am the She- Elephant.
Some consider elephants as being silent, some consider them violent.
This is the whole beauty of it.
No one knows who I am inside.
I know me.

I am the She-Elephant
I am bigger than all.
I am heavier than all.
I have made it large.
I am larger than life.

And as everyone knows, when a elephant walks, little insects and ants are bound to suffer.
So I again don't give a damn if someone suffers in my state while I am on my way.

Some worship nature.
Many others worship God.
I worship myself.

If there can be statues of umpteen Gods of different religions, what is the harm if I have one of my own?
When there is a Statue of Liberty in the United States of America, what is the big deal if I have one of my own here in United Pradesh (or Uttar Pradesh as you may like)?

I will worship myself.
I want to see my self wherever I go.

I am also not content with one city or one state.
I want to see myself everywhere I go.
I want to be omnipotent.

One last thing.
I am not satisfied with being the Queen of one state.
One state is too small for me.
I want to be the Prime Minister of the Indian State.

And then I(and my handbag) will be everywhere.

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